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Draft Environmental Impact Statement

The Niagara Frontier Transit Metro System, Inc. (Metro) has prepared this Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) to identify potential environmental effects that would result from the Proposed Action, evaluate reasonable alternatives to avoid or minimize impacts, and - to the extent that adverse impacts are identified - avoid or otherwise mitigate those impacts to the maximum extent practicable, consistent with social, economic, environmental, and other considerations.

The public comment period for the Draft EIS is now closed.

Metro would normally respond to public comments received during review of the DEIS and at the public hearing in the Final Environmental Impact Statement. However, because the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is now a co-lead agency, the environmental review will be completed under both the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR).

Metro has prepared this stand-alone document to summarize and respond to the substantive comments received during public review of the SEQR Draft Environmental Impact Statement and the public hearings. These comments have been considered and Metro's responses will be incorporated into the NEPA/SEQR DEIS, as appropriate.

Draft Environmental Impact Statement

For a reader with only a short time to devote to this document, the Draft EIS Executive Summary is a good place to start. For more detail on a particular resource area, a reader may download a particular chapter or appendix of interest, or peruse the whole document. For assistance related to accessing any of the content within this DRAFT EIS please contact